Faerie Magazine Issue #42 Spring
Reviewed by: Sandra Scholes
With each issue of Faerie Magazine there is a theme while other issues were of snow queens, practical magic, warrior goddesses and the faerie court, and to my delight this months' theme is of Tolkien. I remember reading his books at a young teen age when interest in the otherworldly was at the forefront of my mind. This issue captures what readers would think of when they explained Tolkien's world for the first time.
Here we get to see the Hobbits, Elves and the landscape of each that left them captivated. What I noticed when I read through this issue was it is a visual magazine rather than a textual one, maybe aimed at a younger readership interested in faerie things, though I would not be put off reading future issues of Faerie being much older.
One of many things I liked about this magazine was that it came in perfect condition and came double bagged so it would not get water damage from the erratic English weather. The cover caught my eye at once of an Elven couple sharing a moment together, urging me inside to see what else would be of interest. Cover models Victoria Fielder and Ian Hencher graced an interior spread dubbed Elven Royalty and photographed by Bella Kotak. In each photograph they are in Northern Mirkwood as Thranduil and his wife, these photographs professionally done capturing timeless instances which are of them away from the gaze of others.
After enjoying the sight of Elves living for the moment, I was fair thrilled by the sight of Sara Ghedina's Hobbit Breakfast article with photography on what one imagines Hobbits might eat on their second breakfast. Even more humorous is her Hobbit Daily Meal schedule which lays out seven meals. I suppose this is why they are such sturdy fellows. What followed were recipes to go with other photos; mushroom and vegan sausage pot pies, roasted tomato soup and honey walnut cake with close-up shots of mouthwatering repasts.
Of interest to me further were several articles, short ones on restoring buildings in Santarella, which curiously resemble Tom Bombadil's home, Giles Newman's carvings of Tolkien inspired flora and fauna from the movies like the Evenstar Arwen wears, vines, dragons and horses, all in wood and all functional, yet beautiful and How to Live Like a Hobbit by Grace Nuth. Most of us would like nothing more than to live in a pastoral land of green and richness with the feel of grass under our feet. Grace reminds us in bullet points I thought were fun and also reminded me of the novels, my favorite being Always see the positive. Falling down a hill is just a shortcut to mushrooms! Marta Tathaniel shows us in an Elven Hair Tutorial how to braid it in three easy steps that make the finished braid resemble the Evenstar.
When we think of Tolkien's work and creating the look of Middle-Earth, we always remember Alan Lee, the artist responsible for bringing the world of Tolkien to life in his pencil drawings and watercolour art. It felt a privilege to see Faerie Magazine do a full interview with the artist that spans a good few pages with his artwork depicting notable scenes from the Lord of the Rings movies, especially The Fellowship; Frodo gazing into Galadriel's mirror, Gandalf leading the journey through the forests, Lothlorien and the harsh look of the Dwarven kingdom of Moria.
Rather than it being a magazine of articles on faeries, this surprised me by having tutorials on making circlets, cooking, braiding hair, all of which engage the reader into wondering about what he next issue will bring. I have found it important as readers like to be engaged as they want to try new things for themselves, liking the challenge of creating, and in this magazine's case these are original things.
Look out for their Summer 2018 issue of mermaids featuring the photography of Cheryl Walsh Fine Art.
Rating: 10/10
Read more about their Mermaid issue: https://www.faeriemag.com/collections/mermaids
Subscribe at: https://www.faeriemag.com/
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