Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga Volume 2
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: 15
Running Time: 140 Mins
Audio: English 2.0 Stereo, Japanese 2.0 Stereo, English Subs.
Release Date: 28/05/2018
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
As Rin has to control his flame powers, he trains on the roof, but still finds it hard to perfect his technique, which is bad considering he has been warned he will be executed if his flames get out of control again.
Shura breaks the monotony of his training to take him away to another assignment where a demon is busy keeping a boy hostage. As it happens, Rin's brother is at the scene too and they have differing ideas on how to approach the demon. Yukio thinks it's best for him to stay out of it, leaving him to do the exorcism, but as we have seen in previous episodes, Rin doesn't stay out of a fight for long.
As the outcome of the exorcism wasn't a good one, (the Eye of the Impure King has been stolen) Rin is sent away on a trip, though his classmates, after the last time him went on the rampage have a hard time getting on with him; some are ignoring him. And as the left eye has been stolen, it is only a matter of time before the right eye will be next. A trip to a temple means Rin will have to be on his best behaviour as they need to tend to the sick and injured.
Rin is his usual hot-headed self in this new series as he copes with being rejected by his classmates, especially Ryuji who still holds a grudge against him for hurting his classmates in front of him. While at the temple, Rin meets Ryuji's dad who lets him into a little secret about his son, he can't get along with him either. This chance meeting proves to be beneficial to the both of them as Rin can't be so hard on himself for not being able to control his powers.
If you, like me watch a lot of anime, then you will find similarity with other series from watching one. The hand signs and incantations are similar to the ones Subaru Sumeragi does in Tokyo Babylon and X The Series. I like how we get glimpses into the lives of the Academy's best students. Rin has trouble seeing how Ryuji treats his father - he is his dad after all and head of the temple, he deserves respect, especially from his own son. Rin's anger triggers the flames to emerge and he risks going berserk again. Rather than killing him, he is imprisoned so he isn't a danger to others or himself. Rin is the sort of kid who doesn't like seeing any kind of injustice, but while he might feel bad about what he has done, and what he could have done, a letter from Ryuji's dad both puzzles and excites him - and Yukio.
Another highlight of this series is we get to hear the background story of the Eyes of the Impure King and what happens if they are ever united where they belong; it could be that the eyes have been stolen by one of their own. It is a while before we get to the bottom of who has stolen the eyes, and find that there is a cliffhanger right at the end of the final episode. I for one can't wait to see the next series to find out what is going on.
Small Beginnings
Strange Bedfellows
Suspicion will Raise Bogeys
Act of Treachery
Mysterious Connections
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Bonus Material: Textless Opening, Textless Closing and Episode 1 Textless Ending Scene.
Summary: Blue Exorcist is a well animated look at the Japanese side of exorcism and the fun behind it!
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