Red Vs. Blue Season 13
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: 15
Running Time: 171 mins
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Truehd/ Japanese 2.0 Dolby Truehd
Due Out: 8/10/2018
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
In the final installment of the popular Chorus Trilogy, the Blood Gulch troupers are stranded on the planet and the only way they can get off is to join forces or be picked off by a cruel war lord.
No one likes a good series to end, but this had several good points about it that were worth considering. And as endings go, this one has artifacts our intrepid (and stupid) characters have to find if they want to leave the planet alive. These artifacts are all over the place and make for decent character development along the way, and, if they are worthy enough, find a key, but even this has its drawbacks for the troupers.
This is when the story gets interesting as Chorus's capital is about to be invaded by space pirates hell-bent on causing trouble. For the Blood Gulch crew there is only one thing they can do to get rid of these pirates and it's one thing they can't do lightly.
Red Vs. Blue Season 13 has the Federal Army of Chorus and the New Republic teaming up to go against the space pirates Chairman Hargrove leads as they want to take over the planet and the key characters of Sharkface, Aidan and Tucker manage to keep us happy for more than a few episodes here with their map finding skills and ways to get out of trouble rather than into it. The Blood Gulch crew have, in the past had to make decisions that were for the worse for them, rather than anything good coming out of their actions, they have also felt like they were the pawns in a bigger game and could for up to at least Season 10 believe they would never get out of the rut they were in; Season 13 means they can get out of it, and make serious plans for a better future.
What I will say is that at first, I got used to the humour in this story and noticed on later seasons it getting more and more serious; I could say the same about this one, but also realise that it had to get darker in order for us to see the mistakes the Blood Gulch troupers were making at the start, and how they have progressed over the series. The characters, new ones especially were interesting enough to keep interest in what was going on, there could have been more dialogue and interaction from Sharkface as this was such a good character, suspense and twists make for some cool reversals of character I won't go into, but was shocked and surprised with at the same time, though if you have been following the story from the start and are as into the series as I am, you will think the ending was a pretty poor one, unless you are the sort of person who watches Red V's Blue for the comedy element to a Halo mickey-take rather than a separate animation.
Bonus Material:
Leaving Chorus, Outtakes, Rehashed, The Sound of Stupid, Warning: Trigger Warnings, The Number 1 Movie in the Galaxy: 2.
Summary:Want to enjoy a fun-packed and thrilling ending to a wonderful series? Get this one!
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