Monday 22 April 2019


Image result for naruto shippuden box set 36 mangauk
Naruto Shippuden Box Set 36
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: 15
Running Time: 330 mins
Due Out29/4/2019
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes

Two ninjas against Madara might not be enough, but when he transforms into Kaguya of legend the chances of them surviving has lessened.

As they are a mix of light and dark Naruto and Sasuke are the only ones who can stop Kaguya from destroying the ninja world. Sasuke makes Naruto aware of the risks involved should Kaguya defeat them in battle. Though before we get a chance to see that battle, we have a look at Kaguya's backstory of how she used her power in the past which spans three episodes telling us that history could repeat itself.

Despite the odds that Kaguya is likely to win the battle, Naruto thinks he can tip it in their favour as he has the ability to change his past and map out his future as a person who wants to be the Hokage. One who isn't controlled by a dangerous entity. If anyone watching was expecting to see a serious battle, they might be wrong as Naruto suggests to his friend and fellow ninja, Sasuke that he is considering using "that jutsu," and at first I wasn't sure which one he meant until Kaguya is met with a female version of the sexy jutsu we would never think possible! For her to be surrounded by handsome young men looked hilarious, at least to me.

As Kaguya sees how powerful Naruto and Sasuke could be together, she decides that separating them would be a better decision, and takes Sasuke to another dimension via a sort of garganta I had seen before on Bleach. It's a portal between worlds and looks like a strange series of lawn formations appearing in the sky Kaguya can come from or go into. Naruto and Sasuke are as the story leads us to believe the reincarnation of  Asura and Indra, light and dark, and are the only ones who can steer the course of this battle to success.

There is only one way the battle can go for these two, as the new Boruto series approaches those who are lucky enough to have read the first in the series of the manga's novels. Naruto and Sasuke have to fight Kaguya with all they have to bring their friends and fellow ninja's back from the brink of death. This box set is a mix of battles, serious story development and some looks back at what it was like in the ninja world when Kaguya was younger.

Bonus Material: 
Boruto Cast Interview, Storyboards, Clean Opening, Clean Endings, English Credits.

Summary: Life and death are in the balance for our favourite characters while their friends look on wondering whether they will survive. This is clearly one of the best box sets in the series!

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