Vampire Rent Boy #1 For Love and Money
DL Warner
Published By: Sybaritic Press
Pages: 48
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
Tristan is every man's idea of the perfect gay playmate. As a vampire he can be beaten, cut, and had anything at all done to him in the name of kink and as an immortal he would not die. He wouldn't have a scratch on him to be honest, and as Klaus, his manager knows, vampires are the in thing at the moment and clients will pay an amazing amount of money to be in bed with one - especially Tristan as his beauty is unmatched.
Klaus has him booked in with some real strange types, but it doesn't matter as Tristan can cope with whatever he throws at him in terms of clients who have a bit too much kink in them they want to get out. His only problem are some clients are simply too dangerous to cope with - what they want is beyond him to satisfy - then the ultimate comes along, one who will help him out in ways he could never comprehend.
Twilight is the book and series of movies responsible for Tristan's popularity, and Klaus know this too well, and markets him accordingly. Even if he hates being called a pimp, it's what he is and he gets plenty of cash from the vampire Tristan is. There is so much drama in this story, and humour with Tristan being affectionately called Trissy by fellow sex worker Kevin/Miranda and discussions about ball gags and such. Tristan needs company more than he lets on, and can only talk properly to people who are like him who understand how he feels being a rent boy. For a vampire Tristan has a lot of human traits, need, he falls in love easily enough and wants to find his one true love, even if he might never get it in the line of work he's become so used to. He meets who he thinks is the true love of his life when he's out drinking with his rent boy friends. The man is striking and instantly drags his attention away from dying for a Martini. For a man who has so much power, he wonders what kind of man he really is.
Tristan's admirer is sexy enough to urge readers to want to wait for the next instalment in the Vampire Rent Boy series. If you like Tristan, his new man and his horny friends, stick around for #2 as I can imagine it will be something to wait for.
I must admit to saying I adore the cover image. It is a symbol of male perfection most talk about in vampire novels of what a vampire should look like, pale, floorless skin, dazzling eyes and a sweet smile in a very Gothic themed look say it all. As for the story, it's short and satisfyingly sweet at 48 pages and leaves vampire enthusiasts begging for more of the long-haired handsome vampire Tristan.
Verdict: Buying this novel means investing in a whole new and exciting series by a truly entertaining yaoi author.
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