Pity the Living Chapter 1: Captain of the Nerds
Released By: Seishin Ink
Writer and Artist: Katsura and Yuramei
Cover Art: Yuramei
Release Date: Out Now!
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
IT expert Masami Shirosaki hates his work life, being forced to work with women he doesn't understand let alone gel with and never seeing home after hours of overtime gets to him after a while. His only solace is his trawl through internet porn sites that catered for men who love men. And each time he does, harder and harder porn starts to turn him on until his interests range to the kinky world of bondage and torture.
No one would have guessed that he, a boring, mild-mannered IT expert would be interested in online porn that transcended mere titillation. Even he is amazed at how naughty he is, and how much he enjoys it - he even wonders what his co-workers would say if they knew about his online addiction. As he worked until late at night at his desk, he busily stores up images of hot men in varying states of undress and even images of discipline and bondage feature in his mails to himself as he has the time to do so being left alone in a job that requires him to be responsible for all those computers at his workplace.
As Masami looks after his mother, and works most of the time, he feels he has no life to himself other than when he goes on his Facebook page to look over his several online personas who seem more successful than he really is. He hates the fact he has to interview women for various office roles and also can't stand having to cope with the endless unwanted female attention he gets there.
He thinks he can't do any better than be at work listening to useless women drone on about nothing all day, though he thinks this is the life he has resigned to. Feelings of suicide surface, and he has an idea to post his status on Facebook:
"Don't pity me, my ignorant friends. I am already dead. Save your mock sympathy. If you want to pity anyone, pity the living."
But there is someone to help him get over his suicidal tendencies - ex-schoolmate Toshita Ayano. When he is about to post his last words before committing suicide, he sees an update from Toshita himself asking anyone if they can get him a job in IT. Toshita is a very beautiful young man who he has dreamed of dating for years, but never had the opportunity so he decides to leave his thoughts of killing himself and instead help the guy out. By IM-ng him he gets to find out what he has been up to over the past few years since they last met. Masami is happy that Toshita has accepted him and remembered his name, thinking on when he would see him. His image in his head he thinks of what he might do to him while he masturbates and after pleasuring himself looking at faceless hunks, he can finally put a name to the man he would come to meet in his office soon. Once he meets him, he is struck by how hot he is, and when he shows him round the office, he can’t wait to get him alone, imagining he will soon be the talk of the office in the morning.
This story is available as ten chapters, this one being the first in the series that begins when our unsung hero decides to commit suicide based on his life choices and how his life at the moment has not been so good to him. Along with 17 pages of this story, there are excerpts of other stories; The Gangster and the Samurai, The Devil’s Golden Boy and Big Deal Vol: 1: A Pack of Jokers as well as an about the authors and an interview with Yuramei. Just like Big Deal Vol: 1: A Pack of Jokers and The Gangster and the Samurai, Katsura and Yuramei are a great writer and artist team working in the UK Yaoi market and this is just the start of their catalogue of well-written novels. Be prepared for much more steamy romance in the second chapter as this acts like a teaser.
Verdict: Deep and sensual with a surprising outcome.
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