Interview With Krissgoat from Big Eye Art.
For those out there who are familiar with her work, it is a great thing we at Japanreviewer have an exclusive interview with Krisgoat who has had her work published in new art book Big-Eye Art: Resurrected and Transformed, since she has been going from strength to strength and we would like to get to know more of her art history as well as what it is that inspired her to draw so well in the first place.
For those out there who are familiar with her work, it is a great thing we at Japanreviewer have an exclusive interview with Krisgoat who has had her work published in new art book Big-Eye Art: Resurrected and Transformed, since she has been going from strength to strength and we would like to get to know more of her art history as well as what it is that inspired her to draw so well in the first place.
Hello Japanreviewer! Let me tell you I am very happy that you wanted to interview me. Thank you very much and I hope that my fans will get to know me a little better after this interview! You guys are the reason I work so hard at what I do! :)
Japanreviewer: What was the most interesting part of being a self-taught Artist you found?
That has to be the responses I get when I show my work to others. When fans tell me they feel inspiration, happiness, understanding and wonder from my work I am very happy and touched. For something created purely on my own to affect others in anyway is extremity exiting and inspires me to work even harder.
Japanreviewer: Your artwork is interesting and dare I say cute, but what made you give your characters such original -looking eyes- they are so shiny and great?
I love creating expressive, large and sparkling eyes in my characters because it really gives them their own mysterious personality and life! I think eyes are very important. They are a window into the soul and the subtlest change in eyes can affect the whole mood in a piece.
Japanreviewer: The readers would be happy to know how you got the name KrisGoat as it has a cool edge about it?
My real name is Christine but my friends call me Kris for short. The Goat in Krisgoat was added when I was in junior high. I found out some interesting things about goats and I started to really like them and they began to pop up a lot in my artworks. They have a mysterious and creepy quality in my eyes – like unicorns. For fun I would make goat noises with my friends and it really caught on. My friends came up with the nick name Krisgoat. I began to use this nickname as my artistic alias for its originality.
Japanreviewer: What inspired you to create your drawing 'Peace' as it reminds me a lot of the old Japanese tattoo artwork?
You hit the nail on the head! I WAS inspired by old school Japanese tattoos and wanted to create one in my own style. I'm a pretty big fan of tattoos even though I don't think I will ever get one myself. I plan to create more tattoos inspired from old designs in the future!
Japanreviewer: 'Dark Halloween' and 'Dark Thoughts' are both fantastic pieces and have the Gothic Lolita look about them. What exactly got you interested in this most Japanese concept?
Simply, Im a girl and I love clothes! I really love the Gothic Lolita style for all its great details and cuteness! You will be seeing lots more Lolita style inspired clothing in my works for sure!
Japanreviewer: Who are your favorite manga Artists and why?
Currently I am really loving Moyoco Anno's work in Sugar Sugar Rune and Clamps work in Tsubasa. I admire their skillfulness and originality.
Japanreviewer: Was there a specific Anime or Manga out there that inspired your art in some way?
Whenever I see really original work I am very inspired. A good example is Studio Ghibli films. They are full of fantasy yet still are very real and believable. You can see common manga influences in my work such as long legs, large eyes, blushing cheeks and pure cuteness!
Japanreviewer: If you have exhibited any of your art what kind of response did you get from the public?
When people see my work for the first time in person they are typically intrigued by its uniqueness and impressed with the quality. I love showing my work at shows because I get a chance to meet so many people!
Japanreviewer: What are your favorite online games?
I love MMORPGS and I currently play Trickster Online in my free time. The graphics are very cute and colourful! I recommend it! I play a sheep named Krisgoat in the Jewelia World. If you can find me Ill give you a cookie!
Japanreviewer: I think the fans out there would love to know if you have any new projects you are currently working on?
Oh yes my to do list will be keeping me busy for years to come! One of my next ongoing projects will be a huge carousel series of horses and animals.
Japanreviewer: Lastly, there are those out there who are budding Artists who would love to do what you do. Is there anything you would like to say to artist out there to help them out in some way?
Yes. Practice everyday if you can. Never tell yourself you are a bad artist. Be patient. Work hard. Never copy or steal art. Display your work online but be sure to watermark it. Put your love and soul into your work. Love what you do!
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