Red Vs. Blue Season 14 - DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: 15
Running Time: 232 mins
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Truehd/ Japanese 2.0 Dolby Truehd
Due Out: 8/10/2018
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
It is hard to believe that this spoof series has been going for thirteen years, and Red Vs. Blue fans can enjoy a new DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack series to add to their already bulging collection. Here, the space marines get to go into several much shorter adventures, all of them crazy and all of them as funny as we expected.
Red Vs. Blue Season 14 is a collection of separate stories viewers and fans alike will enjoy as they answer the burning questions that have been on our minds since the series started; What were certain characters like, what was Sarge's early life like? The settings are different too as some are set during the Blood Gulch Chronicles, while others are during Project Freelancer and even before the two. Like other story compilations; Batman: Gotham Knight and Ghost in the Shell: Arise comes to mind, these stories have different looks to them and different voice actors to give them that separate feel needed to capture the imagination and make us laugh.
Rooster Teeth's teaming up with a few writers and directors has certainly paid off as computer program, VIC works part of the magic to produce some of the more interesting answers to these questions about our favourite characters. This and the drama, setting, thrills and spills of live-action, and 2D and 3D animation should leave us with wanting much more from the series than we can get, and it does.
Bonus Material: Collector's Cards and Blood Gulch Activity Book.
Summary: If you like short stories that tie up loose ends in the RvB universe, then you will think this is the perfect accompaniment to the set!
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