One Piece Collection 9
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: 12
Running Time: 300 Mins
Audio: English & Japanese DD 5.1
Release Date: 13/4/2015
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
The Straw Hat Pirates have got the marines on their tail again, this time their leader wants to trap them in the reef so they can make them surrender. We've seen this before and usually either of the pirates has a plan up their sleeve, or in Luffy's case, down his pants! Viewers may not believes this but the poor octopus who saved their lives the last time can still be used but don't you just feel for the sucker?
As this first episode continues from the previous arc where they had escaped a marine base, ("Farewell Marine Fortress ! The Last Battle for Escape,") they know their enemies are in hot pursuit and fight against what they are trying to do (even going so far as to nearly lose their ship in the process). Or at least that is how it appears to any viewer gripping the edge of their seat. Escaping from the devious and bloodthirsty marines might be more than they bargained for, but as we know from previous series, even when things are looking bad for Luffy's crew, he finds a way to pull it back with his strength of will and always optimistic character.
In "Great Adventure at Long Ring Long Land!" after a bit of fun filler, viewers are treat to a long arc known as the Water Seven arc where the crew go to Long Ring Long Island where as the name suggests, everything about the island is long, getting to it, the people on it, animals, trees and other things. It's strange, but that's the general idea of what viewers are about to see in the show. Here a character called Foxy has the opposite fruit to Luffy's the Slow, Slow fruit which he uses to good effect.
The majority of the discs in this collection are taken up with this arc, and not surprisingly as this story was a part of the original manga. Foxy being the main antagonist doesn't prevent him from not having a good time as he takes full advantage of the Straw Hat Pirates crew while he decides to organise a series of contests to see who is the better pirate band. Foxy doesn't play fair though, why should he when he can get what he wants so easily using the Slow, Slow Fruit. Challenges include roller-skating, a dodge ball match and a boxing match, all as we have come to notice are really badly matched against Luffy and his crew.
There are shorter stories in this collection, but they do come at the end of this one and the last episodes of this collection do form the Water Seven arc where a large part of these discs have been a neat starter for it. Water Seven is a big city made up of water where they have to get someone to help rebuild their ship. Fun is what viewers wasn't from One Piece and they certainly get it with Luffy and his crew who even thought they set out as being pirates, have got a warm personality and help other folk in distress, which is peculiar for a bunch of pirates, but as the intro suggests they have come a long way and know better. As viewers can see there is a lot to look forward to for the next series as this one has been a lot of fun on the high seas as usual.
Bonus Material:
Disc 1: Episode 211, Round 2! Shoot it Into the Groggy Ring! Commentary.
Disc 2: Episode 215 Audio Commentary, Text-less Credits, 2 Openings and 2 Closings as well as English Trailer.
Disc 3: Episode 218 Audio Commentary.
Disc 4: Audio Commentary and Text-less Credits.
Verdict: This is as much fun as you can get on the high seas.
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