Saturday 11 January 2020


Image result for the xmen and the avengers gamma quest"
The X-Men and The Avengers -  Gamma Quest (A Marvel Omnibus)
Author: Greg Cox
Publisher: Titan Books
ISBN: 9781789093339
Pages: 570
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes

This is the year for crossovers on TV at the moment with Crisis on Infinite Earths; Marvel and DC never looked better, and the Gamma Quest Trilogy of books is one every fan must read in 2020. So get the toasting out of the way and get on that sofa with a real book, or device and delve into the X-Men and Avengers universe.

The Scarlet Witch and Rogue have gone missing and its up to the X-Men and Avengers crew to team up and find why they have gone, and more importantly where.

As Wanda Maximoff, member of the Avengers, she can't use her powers for the mundanest of things, she knows how the press would have a field day, but as their unity is a rocky one, the Avengers and the X-Men have to create an understanding to get them closer to the answers they need.

The members of these respective teams have had their run-ins with malicious enemies and each are being attacked and none of them knows why. Bit by bit, Greg Cox takes us into the union between the two bringing us closer to the answers. At the same time, we get into the feel of the Avengers universe with a twist. They both find it hard to get on, but have to; even Wolverine.

With steady pacing and the characters introduced at the right times, Greg seems to have studied both the comic universes and the movies to create an omnibus worthy of them. This isn't light reading, it's essential reading!

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