Saturday 14 March 2020


Image result for recoil jt nicholas
Author: JT Nicholas
Publisher: Titan Books
Pages: 384
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes

When humans are at the point of near-immortality, their aims must be never-ending and far-reaching, yet in this novel, there is someone in the shadows who wants to disrupt humanities need to live on eternally.

Carter Langston is on a mission to salvage an abandoned vessel when he is murdered and has his memories downloaded into a new body. This doesn't stop the killer as Carter's life is threatened ice again in the medbay.

Here immortality is created by a human having his consciousness put into a new body called a coil after death with memories being backed up and downloaded to the new body. Carter thinks his mission should have been a routine one, yet his backups are damaged and his crew are going missing which points to a less than normal killer who stalks his every move.

Written in the first-person perspective, we get to read Carter's account of what he thinks and feels while he is on this less than routine mission in space. The mere idea of humans being able to live eternally is something that has been on our minds for many years, and to have this answered here is quite remarkable, as I would think JT Nicholas's way of becoming immortal could be possible, yet Nicholas has given us the positives of it as well as the negatives of humans wanting to play God with our mortal lives. Just imagine also what would happen if assassins could disable our becoming immortal by ending those lives as this assassin does in the story, thus ending all possibilities for the future of humanity. 

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