Saturday 14 March 2020


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Steven Universe Season 1
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: PG
Running Time: 572 mins
Release Date: 16/3/2020
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes

There are plenty of animations out there that don't fall into the standard anime category of characters with big eyes and even bigger hai that I have been tasked with reviewing for the most part, but this doesn't make it any less interesting as it has elements to it that separate it from what I am used to watching.

In Steven Universe, this started out as being aired by Cartoon Network and went unnoticed, but that was at first. Later when the first series had ended, the final episode had given viewers more than they anticipated.

This has the sort of animation style that will either woo or repel you as it is different from what we expect. Each character is very different, which is good news as in anime the characters tend to have the same body type with very little variation. Here not everyone is made the same so it portrays characters as more realistic and perhaps this is the reason for why it has been so popular.

What is more impressive is its director is a woman, Rebecca Sugar so this could be where the general look of the characters has come from creatively. Also where some series are dark, this is the opposite where the characters are gemstones and when they break, they can repair themselves, which is as fun as it is strange to see.

The characters are chibi looking with Amethyst as a cute girl who defines the convention of what beauty is supposed to be as she is full of vivaciousness as a Crystal Gem. There are Garnet and Pearl who are role models for their main character, Steven who is larger than life with an even bigger heart who thinks people are better than they are. If you like feel-good series this will be a binge-watch essential for the story and the characters.

Bonus Material: None.

Summary: Everyone likes to watch something different, and this is the show where the difference makes the show so cool and fun!

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