Thursday 17 January 2019


Image result for star trek prometheus fire with fire
Star Trek Prometheus Fire with Fire
Authors: Christian Humberg & Bernd Perplies
Publisher: Titan Books
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes

Star Trek authors have often come up with interesting ways of commanding our attention and if we are lucky, we can read of the exploits of who we consider to be our favourites from our chosen era. As I enjoyed the early series of Deep Space Nine, this first novel in a three part series seemed to entice me to read further.

The story is that a terrorist organisation has attacked the Federation and Klingon empire causing no one to trust each other. It could be a good idea to question whether this is supposed to be the future they had hoped for as it is a darker one than they imagined. This incident has the Prometheus sent to investigate the Lembatta cluster and find the terrorists before they can do anymore damage.

Naively, the Prometheuss crew enter the cluster where they receive a message from the terrorists who tell them the incident was the first of many they will attempt, citing the Federation is to blame for all the unrest they have caused by invading planets and applying their code of ethics to other species without their consent. This is a new way of looking at Kirk's original idea of exploring new worlds and being made to look like the enemy on a grand scale.

Other than the already readable story, Humberg and Perplies treat readers to several cameos from popular characters from Starfleets rich history starting with a meeting of new captain Haden with the legend that is Kirk. It was also great to read about what Ro Laren and Klingon Worf were getting up to. Laren , a former ensign is now a captain while Worf has progressed from being a Lieutenant to Commander. The cameos aren't the only reason for the contents encouragement to read on, Humberg and Perplies have recreated the feel of the Star Trek episodes whether its the original series, TNG or DS9 its thrilling to read how far these notable characters have come.

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