Tuesday 3 December 2019


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Bojack Horseman Season One
Released By: Manga Entertainment
Rating: 15
Running Time: 305 mins
Release Date: 28/10/2019
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes

Imagine if TVs favourite Mr Ed had an animated series about his life and exploits, but for an older audience? I could imagine it would be a good way to view an anthropomorphised character as we can make them seem more human in many ways, though this is more about a character who is more man than animal who makes the same life choices and mistakes as most of us.

Bojack comes across as a once well-known name in the acting world only to fall on hard times.After starring in a sitcom called Horsin' Around, he tries to get back into the limelight through making his own memoirs, though if he is going to do this, he has to get himself a darn good agent - enter Caroline, the girlfriend of Mr Peanutbutter, Bojack's long time enemy in showbiz.

Every episode in what seems are standalone ones where Bojack gets up to some strange and madcap antics similar to what would be on Family Guy or American Dad. There are pop culture references a plenty and guest stars voicing real stars such as David Boreanaz of Angel, Buffy and Bones fame and pop star Beyonce. Though this is obviously a funny show, we as viewers notice that Bojack's antics are a cry for help; his booze fueled times show there is something much deeper with this show which speaks to us as humans, even though we are watching Bojack look like he is having fun, we ask is he really happy?

This is the essence of what makes the story more endearing than we expect it to. Even if you are famous, or a has-been actor, these people are just like the rest of us; they have mood-swings, periods of unhappiness and as we know, money doesn't always make us happy at all.

Bojack Horseman is one of those series made for a more adult audience who appreciate what makes Bojack the horseman he has become. It is the satirical look at modern life and self-obsession that comes with the internet age of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Bojack's bad judgments in life have led up to what we see and can identify with how his life has gone. Though the subject matter is fun and appealing, the animation style might not be to everyone's taste.

Bonus Material:
Main title Animatic
Side by side animation walk through
Bonus Episode 101 Animatic
Audio Commentaries

Summary: Bojack Horseman might well become a cult classic - after its stint on Netflix, it's yours to own!

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