Your Name
Released By: Anime Limited
Rating: 12
Running Time: 106 Mins
Audio: English/ Japanese with English subs
Release Date: 6/11/2017
Reviewed By: Sandra Scholes
Since the day when the stars fell, Mitsuha has searched for Taki, the boy of her dreams-literally. She can only see him when she dreams of being someone else interacting with him in another world, and her classmates have started to notice!
Mitsuha keeps being reminded of her slip-ups regarding how she was dressed the other day, had bed hair and acted crazy. She does tell them she felt as though she was in another world, a dream state and longs to leave the small town for the big city. Itomori is an old town rich with ancient Japanese history, but for Mitsuha it is behind the times and the ritualistic nature of the towns culture bores her.
What interested me in this anime is I had already reviewed 5 Centimeters Per Second and enjoyed the vibrant world building feel of it and the characters I felt I knew already. Your Name, I have to say has kept my interest as Mitsuha and Taki are characters who lead different lives, yet are similar in that they have to deal with their gender swap and try not to cause too much trouble around their school friends. Taki trying not to speak in the wrong gender, only correcting himself by using boku instead.
The first half of story and character building is effective as it makes it much easier to endear yourself to the characters and what they have to cope with in real life and their dream lives.
Bonus Material:
Both the DVD and Blu-Ray formats of “Your Name” will include the following on-disc content:
- Main Feature: Viewable with either the original Japanese audio (subtitled), or English language dub.
- Makoto Shinkai Filmography.
- Special TV Program.
- Trailers.
In addition, the Collector’s Edition Steelbook will include the film on both Blu-ray and DVD, as well as a CD of the film’s soundtrack, composed by Japanese rock band RADWIMPS.
Summary: This is the heartwarming anime from the director who gave us The Place Promised in Our Early Days and 5 Centimetres Per Second and it's magnificent from start to finish!
Just like Ghibli, this is a gem of an anime with a funny story based around a serious one. Nice accurate review.